About Us

We are a team dedicated to helping those in need find a way forward using their own skills and resources, to build a lasting and fulfulling future.

Our vision

At Life Works Project, we offer a platform for individuals facing life’s challenges to harness their unique talents and skills, opening doors to fresh avenues of income and personal growth. Our mission is to empower artisans and creators to immerse themselves in their craft, crafting products that resonate with others. These creations offer supplemental income and also serve as catalysts for restoring self-confidence and self-worth.

Life Works Project goes beyond a creator marketplace; we foster community connections by facilitating product purchases and encouraging direct donations. We forge partnerships with like-minded agencies, corporations, and impactful organizations to uncover niche opportunities for income generation, skill enhancement, and the cultivation of supportive communities. Together, we’re building a brighter future, one skill, one product, and one connection at a time.


We endeavor to find niche opportunities for those in need to learn new life and work skills and use those skills to improve their self-confidence and their life situation. 

We are committed to helping people move past barriers in order to contribute to making the world a better place for themselves and others. We are a human company that puts people, love, authenticity, creativity, community and generosity at the heart of all our decisions.

Core Values

Impact over Everything Else

We are committed to helping people who are experiencing life difficulties move forward through measurable impact that provides personal empowerment and income generation.

Work as Therapy

We believe that work can be therapeutic. Work provides opportunities for building self-confidence, self-expression, decision-making, leadership, listening to clients and co-workers, and growing self-worth when quality work is done.


We understand that every person is on a journey with a distinctive life history and a unique path forward. We honor each person and respect their individual journey. We stand in awe of burdens our makers carry and seek ways to help lighten the load.

We work in Partnership

We partner with sponsor organizations who are making a positive impact on society. This includes agencies that help the unhoused, non-profits, faith-based organizations, corporations, maker shops, boutiques, maker spaces, trade schools, future potential employers and impact investors.

Core Objectives

Services we offer

Meet the team

Ron Brush


Tracey Winey

Executive Director



Ron Brush, Founder

Ron Brush

Ron Brush is a tech entrepreneur and investor who grew up in a family that faced financial hurdles. He became inspired to find ways to help those in need after a visit to London when he noticed a phone booth that had been converted into a small coffee stand. Through partnership with Homeward Alliance, a Colorado non-profit that provides services to the unhoused, the team developed and piloted the idea of Life Works Project in 2023.

“I am continually inspired by people who draw strength and courage in the face of life’s toughest trials. Those who grew out of hard challenges to become successful people, empowering and inspiring others. The vision of Life Works Project is to be the spark that ignites transformation in someone’s life when they are in the midst of those very challenges.”

Tracey Winey, Executive Director

Tracey Winey

Tracey is currently a public education teacher and the cofounder of Engineering Brightness, a non-profit that fights light poverty.

Tracey believes in the power of humanity and education. She is honored to be part of a company that sees the best in all people.

Emily, Intern


“My experience with the Life Works Project as an intern has been exceptionally good. I was hired with no prior work experience and I was given the chance to earn an income helping the community. I was a former homeless teen and foster kid.

When I heard about the Life Works Project I instantly had a personal connection to the project. I’ve been able to use my perspective as a former homeless person to make the changes I wanted to see. LWP gave me a voice and an opportunity to help other people through the struggles I have faced myself.”