Help us help them

Help our talented makers sell their products and make steps toward a more stable life. 

Life Works Project mission explained

At its core, the Life Works Project is about offering people who are going through tough times a chance to build new skills, boost their confidence, and improve their lives. Together with our support organizations, we help individuals overcome challenges and become agents of positive change, not only in their own lives but also in the world around them. you contribute to helping individuals overcome obstacles and make a positive impact on their lives.

Our shared values of compassion, authenticity, creativity, and community guide our efforts as we work together to support those in need and create a better world. We believe in the power of community to help people transform their lives and make a meaningful impact.

Creating as therapy

Research shows that crafting, regardless of the medium you use, can bolster mood, improve self-confidence, and reduce stress overall. Crafting has also shown to improve mental agility, improves both gross and fine motor movements, and decreased cognitive decline. Crafting additionally has been shown to be a natural anti-depressant. Research studies show that those suffering from PTSD, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Insomnia and chronic pain have achieved a reduction in symptoms by incorporating crafts into their lives.

University College London’s MARCH mental health network 2018

Ready to get started?

Our sponsor organizations help make it possible for people to focus on their craft & not worry about everything else that it takes to sell their products. Sponsor organizations help those in need earn a side income. Life Works Project fills the remaining gaps.

How do sponsor organizations support our makers?

We understand many of our makers face housing challenges, so we’ve got them covered with the help of our sponsor organizations. Supporting organizations should provide at least the following two things for local makers:

Which type of organization are you?

Optional services sponsors may provide

In general, sponsors work alongside the makers to help them succeed in selling and delivering the products. They provide guidance and support to help ensure success by providing wrap-around services to close the gaps and help the maker generate additional income. 

Optionally, sponsors may provide some of these services:

Workspace Options

Our sponsors might offer well-lit and safe spaces for our makers to work their magic. Think workbenches, tables, and comfy chairs – all the essentials for crafting masterpieces.

Product & Pricing Guidance

Need some tips on what to make or how to price it? Our sponsors can make suggestions to help our makers shine.

In-Person Display Areas

Some sponsors provide special spots where makers can showcase and sell their items directly to customers.

Quality Improvement Feedback

Ever wonder how to make a good thing even better? Our sponsors can offer feedback to elevate the quality of our makers’ products.

Skill-Boosting Training

From mastering new crafts to working with different materials, our sponsors may offer training sessions to expand our makers’ skill sets.

Creative Collaboration Sessions

Sharing ideas and finding inspiration together? Yes, please! Our sponsors may organize group meetings for a burst of collective creativity.

Equipment Access

Need a sewing machine, printer, or tools for woodworking, leather crafting, or jewelry making? Our sponsors may have a variety of equipment ready for use.

Packaging & Shipping Stations

Sponsors may make space and provide materials ready for when it’s time to pack and ship those beautiful creations.

Material Purchase Support

“Scholarships” may be provided to help with the purchase of materials (Did you know that Hobby Lobby was started with a $600 purchase?)

Material Provision

Wood, cloth, yarn, leather, metals, beads – you name it. Our sponsors may provide these materials, some of which are kindly donated.

Child Care Support

Juggling creativity and parenthood? Some sponsors may offer child care options for makers while they’re busy crafting.

Photo station

Sponsors may have well-lit space to take high quality photos of your masterpiece.

Who does what?

Who are we looking for

Our sponsors are non-profit, faith-based and commercial/for-profit organizations. All organizations that offer help will receive training and a portion of the sales to help offset their costs. Sponsor organizations may want to enroll their own contacts who would benefit. Local makers who need support will be matched with local sponsors.

What is the commitment? The time commitment and staffing resources will vary depending on the services you decide to offer and how many makers you are able to support at a time.

Empowering Artistry

Unveiling Life Works Project for Creative Opportunities

“I am so excited about the launch of Life Works Project! As an Employment Navigator at Homeward Alliance, I see the significant barriers that many individuals encounter while pursuing and maintaining employment. Life Works not only provides these folks with the opportunity to earn an income but does so in a manner that honors and celebrates them and their artwork. By providing the Life Works site, many of these folks now have an opportunity to connect more with the Fort Collins community and can sell their art at its true market value. I look forward to seeing amazing artwork from this platform!”

– Claire

FAQ for Sponsors

Being a sponsor gives you the opportunity to help low-income individuals in your community improve their lives. As they develop their skill in creating products, they improve their self-esteem and earn money to supplement their income. A little extra income can make a huge difference in lives and families who are living on the edge.
As a sponsor, you will work side by side with individuals to help take photos of their products, to help describe and price them, and then you will store their products in a safe place so they can be shipped when an order arrives.
You can also provide training assistance for skill development. You can provide a maker space to help make products that require specialized tools and equipment.
While you will earn a small percentage of the sale, it may not fully cover the investment of time that you make in your maker’s life.
Some makers may go on to create their own online shops and earn enough money to live on, but the majority will supplement their existing income while bettering their skills and making good use of their spare time.

Please sign-up first, then contact us to learn more about becoming a sponsor. 

Sponsor Application Form

Yes, both non-profit and for-profit organizations can be sponsors. Both types of organizations will receive the fees described on this site to offset costs for the wrap-around support services they provide to makers.

There are two ways do to this:

  1. Please reach out to our sponsor organizations. They will connect you with makers who can provide products for sale. 
  2. You can become a sponsor and not only sell the products in your store, but you can also provide the wrap-around and fulfillment services for makers that you support.

Yes, we do provide limited training and we will work with you to establish the processes that you will need to be a good sponsor.

There is no direct cost to become a sponsor. However, by becoming a sponsor you agree to provide the services listed here. There will be an indirect cost in terms of storage space, time working with people that you sponsor to help them decide which products to sell, how to price them, time to describe and list products,  time to pick, pack and ship and related support services that you provide.